Fields of research and education in the Department of European Policy, Public Finance and Marketing:
Division of Agrarian Policy and Law
- regional-structural policy,
- Common Agricultural Policy,
- labour market policy,
- entrepreneurship in rural areas, including professional activation, and opportunities for women in the labour market
Division of Marketing and Market Analyses
- internet marketing,
- political marketing,
- automarketing,
- agribusiness marketing,
- affiliate marketing,
- service marketing,
- advertising,
- public relations,
- publicity,
- marketing management,
- marketing communications,
- market analysis and research.
Division of Regional and European Studies
- European integration,
- regional and spatial policy,
- social policy in Poland and the European Union,
- tourism policy in Poland and the European Union,
- tourism in rural areas, local and regional development,
- economic and social geography,
- economics of cities and regions,
- territorial marketing,
- innovation and innovation in agribusiness,
- local production systems.
Division of Real Estate Management
- real estate market research,
- real estate management,
- regional development strategies and their implications for real estate market development,
- theoretical and applied aspects of valuation and revaluation of real estate,
- profitability analysis of real estate investment,
- legal issues of real estate management.
Several courses within above subjects are offered in Polish or in English.
Research projects